On Pinterest this looked like a kid friendly craft. We got out the Oreo’s and began to open them. Next we needed to add the stick/skewer. I had bought sticks at the grocery store but they were too big. Ok, I’m off to the craft store to find smaller sticks. The craft store only had the same size sticks. I remembered I had some smaller wooden skewers at home. Dang. They ended up working perfectly. We crushed the peppermint candies and melted white chocolate chips. The chocolate was a little thick so I looked it up on the internet how to make it a little less thick by adding some cooking oil. That seemed to help, but I discovered it was easier to spoon the chocolate over the Oreo’s rather that dip them in the chocolate.
We added the crushed peppermint candy and they looked pretty good. Let me know what you think.
I discovered if you read the package directions and think through the pinterest craft it can work, if you’re willing to go to the store a couple of times and pull your hair out, no problem.
Anyone else have trouble reading labels? I have yet to get home from the store with just a plain can of tomatoes!!!