Yesterday, I was grocery shopping by myself and was buying cascarones (confetti filled eggs) for the kids for Easter. This young lady said “Oh, you’re buying those for your grandkids!” I decided to take the “high road” or in my case the more “obvious road” and agree with her. Sometimes it just easier not to say anything, but, she kept going on about grandkids and grandmothers. It was driving me crazy. I walked away from her as quickly as I could. Then today, I bought a day of the week pill dispenser. Yikes. You’d think you could remember if you took a pill/several pills or not. It’s my “part timers”, I don’t forget all the time just part of the time. I guess it’s like Jack Benny said “Growing old is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.” I wish I didn’t mind.
I am an older mom with multiples. To say it the P.C. way, I have "advanced maternal age".